Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Hicks Jr , CRM and delicate souls

OK, he was wrong to vent his frustration in an e mail to a persistent fan and Hicks Jr has paid the price, pro tem, with his place on the Liverpool board. He is perfectly entitled to think what he wrote, indeed to type it in a late night giggle to himself, but pressing send was an unfortunate error. Not smart, but 'fess up, who hasn't done it, had a laugh and pressed delete.

Indeed who has done all of the above and then accidentally pressed send or indeed cc'd the subject of e mail vitriol accidentally.

Think for a second of the counter argument, how many fans had access to his e mail address and how much abuse had HE received.

I also smiled at the specific fan group involved, whose delicate soul of a spokesman who " couldn't bring himself to repeat the vile comments" included in said mail, as if he'd never heard swear words at Anfield

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